Thank you everyone for coming out! What a great party.

Please check the comments at the bottom for any last-minute announcements! Or watch the Facebook Event Page. We’ll see you on the 15th of July 2014.
All information on the poster below. The Lemon Bucket Orkestra and Delirium are partnering with Springboard and Open Streets Calgary to present an all ages outdoor show at the ContainR venue in Calgary’s Sunnyside at 7PM.
* Your folks, your sweetie, your kids
* Money for the bands (pay-what-you-can cover charge)
* Dancing shoes
* optional: Picnic blanket, Food and Drink to Share ‘POTLUCK’, The hair of your favourite dog, etc.
This will be like nothing you’ve seen before. LBO are a unique concept Balkan-Klezmer-Gypsy-Party-Punk-Superband, and Delirium SPB is Calgary’s only band.
For extra adventure: Meet at Olympic Plaza at 6:15, bring some non-motorized wheels or C-Train fare.
See the poster below, invite your friends, and don’t be shy about communicating via the comments below or the Facebook event page.

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